
Wojtek Erbetowski



Wojtek invented MobileWarsaw, GitKata and Mobile Central Europe. He’s also co-leader of Warsaw JUG and Warsjawa conference. He also co-created a library for unit testing Android apps. He’s a technical leader at Polidea company.

Wojtek is working for Polidea - mobile development company. That’s an unusual environment for a backend dev - here it’s the mobile app, that is the center of universe. Backend is the one that has to fit best, so that the app remains simple and robust. Thanks to that they gathered many interesting tips and tricks, that they will gladly share.


Be the perfect attendee

Are you a beginner attendee? Or maybe after a bunch of conferences you feel, like there's not much value in them for you anymore? This lightning talk will show you a couple of tricks to improve RoI at a conference and guidelines on how to find a perfect place for you.

1h - Slides+Speech

Designing API for mobile app

To provide a fair user experience, mobile app’s performance must be well tuned. Loads of work are invested into designing screens to provide fast feedback to end user and make 3rd party services communication as invisible as possible. There is unfortunately a wall, that mobile devs cannot go through - making faster external calls, especially in difficult environment like poor connection quality. But we - backend developers - can minimize that pain, but only as a result of tight cooperation.

Presentation contains a ton of knowledge about designing and developing mobile APIs and another ton of experience from the trenches.





Organizers & Key partners
