We would like to recomend you the following places for accomodation in Kraków.
Cheap hostels/hotels:
Lemon Hostel
Hostel 70's
DS Piast
Hotel Korona
Avarage prices:
Delta Hotel
Hotel Wilga
Hotel Apis
U Pana Cogito
Hotel Wyspiański
IBIS Budget (also good for speakers)
More expensive:
Hotel Swing This is the closest place to the conference venue (2 minute walk) however we recommend a stay in the city center, near the below locations:
IBIS Kraków Centrum (might be no more places on 14th and 15th May)
PURO Hotel (next to Ibis, prefered for speakers)
Classic Hotel (nice, even closer to pubs)
and many more hotels you can find at
Cheap hostels/hotels:
Lemon Hostel
Hostel 70's
DS Piast
Hotel Korona
Avarage prices:
Delta Hotel
Hotel Wilga
Hotel Apis
U Pana Cogito
Hotel Wyspiański
IBIS Budget (also good for speakers)
More expensive:
Hotel Swing This is the closest place to the conference venue (2 minute walk) however we recommend a stay in the city center, near the below locations:
IBIS Kraków Centrum (might be no more places on 14th and 15th May)
PURO Hotel (next to Ibis, prefered for speakers)
Classic Hotel (nice, even closer to pubs)
and many more hotels you can find at