Vladimir Orany
Vladimir is Independent Software Engineer and Gaelyk Project Lead. He is interested in domain specific languages, cloud computing and writing magical code using AST transformations.
Vladimir is coding Java since 2005 and he is mainly focused on Groovy language last couple of years. He co-founded AppSatori - company focused on Google Apps and cloud computing which entered the elite group of Google Apps Premium Resellers last year.
1h - live coding
In live demo, you will learn how to create website using Gaelyk and Glide and deploy it to the Google's cloud.
Gaelyk is lightweight framework for Google App Engine written in Groovy which allows you to create simple websites effectively but it's also able to scale to multimodule project handling millions of request a day. Glide is command line tool which helps you to get started with Gaelyk without having to dig too deep to it's or Google App Engine's internals.
Please, install Glide from http://glide-gae.appspot.com and sign up to Google App Engine before the session starts if you want to follow the progress.