Sam Newman



Sam Newman is a technologist at ThoughtWorks, where he currently splits his time between encouraging and sharing Innovation globally and working as the architect for internal systems. He has worked with a variety of companies in multiple domains around the world, often with one foot in the developer world, and another in the IT operations space. If you asked him what he does, he’d say ‘I work with people to build better software systems’. He has written articles, presented at conferences, and sporadically commits to open source projects. While Java used to be his bread and butter, he also spends time with Ruby, Python, Javascript, and Clojure, Infrastructure Automation and Cloud systems. He is currently writing a book on building Microservices, which should be available in the Autumn of this year from O'Reilly.


Deploying And Testing Microservices

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What do deployment pipelines look like when your system consists of 10s of different types of services? How do you know what to test before deployment? Should you release a service at a time, or bunch them up? This talk goes into the nitty gritty of managing build,test and release of micro services and also covers the often ignored tradeoff between testing before deployment, and testing afterwards.

The Practical Implications Of Microservices

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Microservice architectures can lead to easier to change, more maintainable systems which can be more secure, performant and stable than previous designs. But what are the practical concerns associated with running more fine-grained systems, and what are the new things you’ll need to know if you want to embrace the power of smaller services without the new sources of complexity making your life a nightmare? This talk will delve deeper into the characteristics of well-behaved services, and will define some clear principles your services should follow. It will also discuss in more depth some of the challenges associated with managing and monitoring more complex distributed systems. We’ll discuss how you can design services to be more fault-tolerant, what technologies may exist in your own platform to get you started. We’ll end by giving some pointers as to when you should consider microservice architectures, and how you should go about introducing them in your own organisation.





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