Eugene Ciurana



Eugene is an open source evangelist and author who specializes in agile development of robust, highly scalable systems. He's led the design and implementation of successful mobile apps, mission-critical, high performance, and Big Data systems for many industry leading organizations such as Summly,, Bitstrips, AT&T, LeapFrog Enterprises, JP Morgan Chase, Credit Suisse, Badoo, Oracle, Bank of America, National Oilwell Varco, IBM, etc. He is often found mentoring other developers in the ##java, #python, #awk, #R, and #security Freenode IRC channels under the /nick pr3d4t0r.


Mobile + HA + Cloud = Successful Mobile App HOWTO

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How do you go about creating your app, including inception, development, launch, and managing its evolution? This talk will dives into the architectural choices, language selection, mobile target environment, and servers configuration, database, and caching systems that you must consider in making a successful mobile app.

  • Very limited budget – making the best out of your funding
  • Concepts and design – don't leave anything to chance!
  • iOS implementation constraints
  • Separation of concerns between mobile and servers
    - Balancing processing requirements between mobile and server components
  • Programming languages selection
    - Dev tools
    - A Tale of Many Cities and the distributed dev team: Russia, London, Thailand, Bay Area
  • Your value proposition and core technologies
    - Integration vs new technology development
    - Your technological choices are your best or worst asset
  • Implementation of a unique and innovative UI
  • Operational model
  • Languages: Objective-C, Java, Python, Scala, Android/Java
  • Integrating with 3rd-party systems
    - Mule Integration Platform
  • Databases and your app's future
    - mongoDB
    - Neo4J
    - Others
  • Sponsors




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