Andres Almiray



Andres is a Java/Groovy developer and Java Champion, with more than 14 years of experience in software design and development. He has been involved in web and desktop application developments since the early days of Java. He is a true believer of open source and has participated in popular projects like Groovy, Griffon, JMatter and DbUnit, as well as starting his own projects (Json-lib, EZMorph, GraphicsBuilder, JideBuilder). Founding member and current project lead of the Griffon framework.


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Asciidoctor: because writing docs does not have to

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Writing documentation is often seen as no fun, but it does not have to be that way! Asciidoc is a member of the microformat markup languages family; like Markdown but with more pizzaz and power. Asciidoctor revolutionizes source doc processing in the JVM by leveraging well-known tools such as Maven and Gradle, you can even call it from the command line as is. Come learn why teams around the world are getting excited about Asciidoctor.





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