Alex Soto
Alex is a software engineer specialized in enterprise technologies, test automation and continuous delivery based on the Java platform. He has over a decade of experience in the Java world, yet continually renews his skill set by learning new aptitudes and technologies every day.
Alex works at Everis as architect helping companies to improve their methodologies and give technical support. Moreover he is involved in the open source world in projects like NoSQLUnit, Asciidoctor or Arquillian. He is an international speaker, presenting his talks at software conferences like Devoxx, LinuxTag, Puppet BaseCamp, Barcelona JUG, Codemotion or Guatemala JavaDays.
1h - Slides+Speech
Testing Polyglot Persistence Done Right
Data storage is one of the most crucial parts of any applications, and we use many different tools and tricks to keep it in a good shape. We frequently use both old school relational systems with new approaches commonly known as NoSQL. We write sophisticated queries and use optimization techniques to give our end users the greatest possible experience.
So why is persistence very often skipped in the testing efforts? Is it really that complex and painful to setup? During this talk we will have a closer look at Arquillian Persistence Extension together with NoSQLUnit. These tools remove that burden and boilerplate to make you a happy and productive programmer again! Join this session and see for yourself that writing tests for your data storage logic is as easy as writing normal unit tests!